Lab: Workload Discovery in a Given Account

This lab will teach you how to do discovery for workloads in a given account. We will cover the following topics:

  • What is workload discovery?
  • Questions to consider when doing workload discovery
  • How to use Terraform and Serverless Framework for workload discovery

What is Workload Discovery?

Workload discovery is the process of identifying and cataloging all the components of an application or system, including servers, networks, storage, applications, and services. The goal of this process is to gain an understanding of the environment so that it can be managed effectively. This includes understanding how the components interact with each other and how they are configured.

Questions to Consider When Doing Workload Discovery

When doing workload discovery, it's important to consider a few key questions:

  1. What types of resources are present in the account?
  2. Are there any security or compliance requirements that need to be met?
  3. Are there any existing policies or processes that need to be taken into account?
  4. Are there any dependencies between different resources or services?
  5. Are there any performance requirements that need to be met?