Lab: Using AWS EC2 UserData

Using AWS EC2 UserData to Customize an Autoscaling Group Instance


In this lab, you will learn how to use AWS EC2 UserData to customize an autoscaling group instance. This lab assumes that you already have a basic understanding of the AWS EC2 service and the Autoscaling Group service.


  • An AWS account with access to EC2 and Autoscaling Group services
  • A basic understanding of the AWS EC2 service and the Autoscaling Group service
  • Familiarity with scripting languages such as Bash or Python
  • Familiarity with Terraform or Serverless Framework


By the end of this lab, you will be able to:

  • Understand what UserData is and how it can be used to customize an autoscaling group instance
  • Create a script using UserData that will run when an autoscaling group instance is launched

Task 1: Understanding UserData

UserData is a feature of Amazon EC2 that allows you to pass data into your instances when they are launched. This data can be used to configure and customize your instances. In this lab, we will use UserData to customize an autoscaling group instance.

Task 2: Creating a Script Using UserData

In this task, you will create a script using UserData that will run when an autoscaling group instance is launched. The script should perform any necessary configuration tasks such as installing packages, setting environment variables, etc. The script should be written in either Bash or Python and should be saved in a file named or

Task 3: Configuring the Autoscaling Group Instance

Once you have created your script, you need to configure your autoscaling group instance so that it runs the script when it is launched. To do this, open the Amazon EC2 console and select your autoscaling group from the list of instances. Then select “Edit” from the Actions menu and enter your userdata script in the “User Data” field. Finally, click “Save” to save your changes.


In this lab, you learned how to use AWS EC2 UserData to customize an autoscaling group instance by creating a script using either Bash or Python and configuring it in the Amazon EC2 console. You should now have a better understanding of how userdata works and how it can be used for customizing instances in an autoscaling group.